The Cheese and Charcuterie Shop

Cleveland's Cheese and Charcuterie Shop

Located in the Historic West Side Market in Cleveland, Ohio, The Cheese Shop offers an impressive imported & domestic cheese selection.  We maintain our unique niche by offering more than 175 traditional & rare cheeses from all over the world as well as a diverse line of specialty items.

We take pride in excellent customer service & exceptional quality –we encourage you to sample cheeses before purchasing to guarantee satisfaction.  We cut your cheese to order ensuring freshness & allowing you to determine the size to fit your needs.

Brie Couronne.jpg


Cow's Milk
Aged: less than 1 month

The bloomy rind—a soft, white, velvety covering that’s edible—easily distinguishes Bries.  The “bloom” is mold spores of a Penicillium species called P. candidum & is added to the milk or sprayed on the cheese then allowed to grow in a humid environment ripening & influencing the flavor of the cheese.  The taste of Brie Couronne, just one of many Bries The Cheese Shop offers, differs from the balanced creaminess of Camembert by evoking a more earthy, mushroomy bite.  The butter-colored creamy paste is speckled with small holes & it pairs nicely with fresh fruits & crackers at room temperature or baked & served with mushrooms, nuts, cranberries & drizzled honey.

How can you govern a country which has 246 varieties of cheese?
— Charles de Gaulle

Give us a call! 216.785.9382

Check out our other stand at the market: 
Urban Herb & Pantry for all your Pantry Dry Goods and Kitchen Equipment needs.

©2007 - 2023 The Cheese Shop, All Rights Reserved